2020 A Big thank you to Quarto Publishing Group for their permission to use Maury Aaseng's "Dolphin Jump" water colour on the Atlantic Child the single!!
Jon and Glenn have only just opened up this page of Thanks and best wishes, so if you are not on here yet and you were expecting to be, just give�us a little time (and a nudge if need be!) and we will sort it...we do have day jobs you know!
It goes without saying that we also thank all those who have linked to us on the Links page!! and those listed under "Funds"
Thanks to :-
Steve at alt-productions for this brilliant website template
Horses Healing group on FB (Who's enthusiasm is out of all proprtion to their size!!)
And my luvable beast himself!!! ........
William xxx
If you look closely you can see where William had his operation (semi circle below left eye and dimple - (ethmoid haematoma)) thanks to the Philip Livehulme Equine Hospital he is still here : )�-�2012�Also�thanks�to�Rainbow�Equine�Hospital�Malton.�
Charity Songwriting�Sheffield ~ Song Writing Production�Sheffield ~ Charity Songwriting Production�Sheffield
Song Writing�Sheffield ~ Song Writer�Sheffield ~ Record Production�Sheffield ~ Recording Studio Sheffield